The 10 gifts of love


Love is a miracle that happens between two people that has no definition or explanation. Sometimes love doesn’t arrive soon enough, or perhaps it makes an appearance at the least convenient moment, but nothing can stop love, which has no barriers or limitations. Nothing makes us grow, know each other, and get closer to God than love relationships. We are born with the need to find love. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to finding love is the fear of losing it, but it is a risk worth taking to experience it. Unconditionality, patience, and forgiveness have no better practice ground than in a love relationship. Love is fragile but stronger than we think. The seed of love has the design and potential for a beautiful life and a new family.

To know if it is love, you need:


Friendship is a conversation of souls, which occurs beyond the body. It is the collision of two minds, the understanding of two hearts. Communication is much more than words; it is what happens after the opening of a heart. Compatibility is expressed through the joy of life, generosity, good humor, and the ability to laugh and serve God together, making a difference in the world.


If friendship is the union of souls, Eros is the union of body with the soul. The attraction is the magnet, that unstoppable yearning to be next to the other, to be with each other. Passions fade and reignite, but love perseveres with or without flames. Even in old age, when passion turns into Agape, an unconditional love that transcends mind and body to reach the soul is renewed and experienced as a deep friendship. 


Admiration is recognizing in the other your own mission and the love of God. Admiration will find your most desired qualities reflected in the mirror of the loved one and feel deep respect for the other being’s individuality by rejoicing and contributing to the other’s success.


Commitment is not attachment or obligation; it is a choice. The partner is not only chosen once but every moment.


Trust is gained by having congruency between what we say, what we think, and what we do. The truth has no substitute. The transparency of the soul is open and evident.

Respectful communication begins with compassion: do not harm, do not offend. It is always to value and treat the other as an irreplaceable jewel. Love never takes the other for granted or underestimates their presence. Communication means: always expressing our truth with love.

7- Respectful communication-

8- Harmony –

It is the ability to know what another thinks or feels without words, even finishing each other sentences, understanding the humor, and living in harmony with their dreams, sparkled with joy, humor, and goals.

9- Gratitude-

Thank someone today for what they do to enrich and nurture your life. Wake up and appreciate the existence of the other.

10- Generosity

Loving another leads to giving the most beautiful part of ourselves. Love inspires a better version of ourselves. How many of the motives behind conquests, art, and castles in history were made for love? 

Love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love. 

Lin Manuel Miranda’s Sonnet. 

Do not forget that we first need to learn to love ourselves for all the above to be possible.

Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NIV)


Sharon M Koenig /heaven on
earth publishing      
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