This is the tenth anniversary edition,  Available now. 2022


Sharon M. Koenig’s book is a great reminder of who we are and why we are here. The reading of her words is already a sweet awakening. 


Author of A Return to Love,
A New York Times Best seller 


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Sharon M. Koenig has published three books: Los ciclos de alma (Ediciones Obelisco, Barcelona, 2011), a #1 Bestseller on Amazon with 40 weeks in the Top 100, now in its new 7th edition; Las 12 promesas del alma (HarperCollins Español, 2016); and most recently, Desde om hasta amén, Sharon’s memoir about her spiritual journey (HarperCollins Español, 2017). Sharon is presently working on a new book about practical spirituality for difficult times.


Trovare lo scopo della nostra vita non è facile, ma non dobbiamo mai smettere di cercarlo. Solo così potremo colmare il senso di vuoto che a volte sentiamo e trovare la nostra “motivazione per alzarsi al mattino”, o ikigai, come dicono in Giappone. Questo libro è una chiamata, un invito a scoprire la tua vera missione, il tuo posto nel mondo, il piano che è stato progettato per te.
(Giunti Editore, Florence, Italy, 2022) 


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This is Los ciclos del alma, or Seasons of the Soul, published worldwide in the French language (Le Dauphin Blanc, Canada, 2021). A #1 Bestseller on Amazon with 40 weeks in the Top 100 list, and is now in its 7th edition (published in 2018). The book was also published in India by PanMacmillan, (India 2021), 

Seasons of the Soul

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The new edition will be published in 2023 by Ediciones Obelisco, Barcelona with a new chapter. Sharon shows readers what prompted her to begin her spiritual quest, and how she finally discovered that the true faith she had been seeking was much closer than she could have imagined.  Originally published by HarperCollins Español (Nashville 2017).

A Spiritual Journey, memoir

Inspired by the Christian traditions of the desert, it is a response to many years of spiritual search summed up in twelve vows to shed burdens, free ourselves from guilt, discern God's will, and overcome fear.
(Nashville: HarperCollins Español, 2016) 

12 Promises for the Soul

Fully recommended,
I love Sharon's books.
Her teachings are keys to life.
I'm going to read all her books!

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Sharon M Koenig     
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photos of sharon
by mj magnum

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